4 Mistakes to Avoid in Postcard Marketing

Direct mail is one of those marketing techniques that many businesses think is past its prime. As crucial as digital marketing is, there’s a personal and hands-on touch that direct mail provides.

You may be surprised to learn that recipients read about 66% of all direct mail. One of the best ways to make sure your collateral is in that 66% is to choose a postcard. After all, a customer is more likely to read something they don’t have to open an envelope to see.

You need a good strategy to get the results you want. For a better ROI, avoid these common postcard marketing mistakes.


Common Postcard Marketing Mistakes

Postcard marketing has great potential, but there are certain steps you need to follow to actualize it. Here  are the key mistakes to avoid:

  1. Using Un-Targeted Contact Lists

Using a mailing list that’s too broad is one of the worst mistakes you can make in direct mail marketing. If you send a postcard to every household in your service area, you’ll go broke before you can enjoy the results.

Instead, get a more targeted list. Consider using a mailing list from your existing customer base. If you need to target new customers, a list broker can provide you with a list targeted by income level, age, and other factors.

  1. Missing a Call to Action

It’s great to get your message out to people. However, if they just say, “Oh, that’s nice,” and toss your postcard aside, they’ll forget that message.

Instead, have a distinct call to action on your postcard. Give the reader a reason to keep the card, like a discount card or a future event. You want your postcard to go onto their fridge, not into their trash can.

  1. Too High or Too Little Frequency

Studies should that it takes anywhere from 7-13 “touches” to any given customer before they take action. That means they need to see your message at least seven times before they’ll make a purchase.

If you only send one direct mail campaign, the chances you’ll get those seven touches from other marketing avenues are slim. However, if you send the same postcard every week, customers will start ignoring your message. You want to aim somewhere in between for maximum efficiency.

  1. Using an Unprofessional Design

Your direct mail could be the first impression a customer gets of your business. If you don’t have a professional postcard design, they may think you’re cheap or inexperienced.

Part of the challenge is avoiding too much text on your postcard. You need enough copy to get your message across. However, the more text you have, the less attention it will get. Have a catchy headline, then direct readers to your website or to call you for further details.


How to Have a Successful Postcard Marketing Campaign

Postcard marketing and other forms of direct mail marketing have the potential to be successful. It’s all a matter of how you execute your campaign. Steering clear of the mistakes above can help you get a better ROI and reap greater rewards from your effort.

If you’re ready to get started, contact our direct mail experts.

Mail vs Email: Which is Most Effective for Marketing Purposes?

In business, it’s essential to develop relationships with your prospects and customers. You can do this with various forms of direct marketing. In the past it was all about direct mail, and today you’ll find more brands implementing email marketing.

Mail versus email – which of the two should you choose for your marketing campaigns? If you’re not sure which is more effective then you may find this article helpful.

Let’s take a quick look at the stats to see which you prefer.


Email Marketing: A Look Into the Numbers

The best way to determine how effective one form of marketing may be is to look at the statistics. And there are some impressive ones coming from email marketing.

For example, 60% of consumers say email marketing influences their purchasing decisions. If you’re collecting the emails of your prospects you can easily keep track of conversion rates.

Then, of course, you should keep in touch with your audience to ensure they continue purchasing from your business. Out of all the techniques used for email marketing, over 50% of marketing influencers say list segmentation and individualized email messaging improves conversions.

Then right behind it at 45% is behavior-triggered emails. This goes to show that if you’re able to personalize your emails then you can increase your chances of turning customers into loyal customers.


Direct Mail Marketing: What the Statistics Say

It’s easy to fall into the whole digital marketing is the best mindset, especially with millions of people using email on a daily basis. However, there are still 56% of people who find receiving mail to be a real pleasure.

These individuals look forward to getting mail in their mailbox. And 67% even say that mail feels more personal than the internet. We all know how important personalization is!


But how well does it do with conversions?

Studies show that direct mail ads motivate consumers 20% more than digital media. Also, brands that spend $167 per person in direct mail marketing earn about $2,095 worth of products sold. This translates to a 1,300% ROI.

Consumers are looking to receive communications from the brands they care about, so if you’re able to get them to care about your business, then all you have to do is personalize your messaging to generate sales.


Mail vs Email

So which of the two is the best? This all comes down to your target audience, your brand, your industry, and various other factors. In reality, you may even find that using a combination of the two is the best choice. This is what some brands do to get the maximum benefits out of their direct marketing efforts.


Find Direct Mail Marketing Solutions

Your marketing efforts are only as great as the solutions you use. At i.t.i. Direct Mail, you have access to a team of direct marketing professionals who can assist you with your advertising. We can even help you understand the differences between mail versus email.

If your thinking of developing a strategy and designing your own unique mailers, then contact us today!