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4 Of the Most Effective Advertising Trends to Follow In 2019

Did you know that 67% of consumers prefer print to digital advertising? So, if you want to create an engaging advertising campaign, consider mailing out a letter, postcard or pamphlet. But what should you include in your advertising campaign? Read on to learn about the top five most effective advertising trends for the year.

1. Content is Key

If you want to engage customers, you need to create engaging content. No matter if you’re using a targeted mailing list or digital content, you’ll need interesting content for people to pay attention. Try to target your advertising to your consumer market. If you can, send to different mailing lists using different demographics to best promote your message. Print media can be just as targeted as any digital form!

2. Collaboration

2019 is going to be the year of collaborations and strategic partnerships. Rarely does authentic advertising fit into perfect little boxes. To create more cohesive and logical stories, collaboration between brands will become standard. Ideally, choose collaborators that offer products or services that will pair with yours, but don’t compete. That way you can split the cost of advertising and create a better campaign.

3. Educating Consumers

Strive to establish yourself as an authority in your industry. If you have data, present it in a pleasing but relevant way. Why use subjective measures of success when you have hard numbers? If you feel comfortable, mail informative brochures that show your expertise. Then, next time someone is looking for an expert, they’ll come directly to you. And if they need a service in that area, they’re more likely to trust someone who is an expert on the subject.

4. Honesty and Authenticity

While you want to be engaging, you don’t want to mislead people. In today’s viral society, getting caught being dishonest is the quickest way to get consumers to turn against you. Be honest about your product and services and what your company is good at to show brand integrity. Consider sharing your customer’s testimonials about your products and services. These stories will help engage your consumers and personalize your brand. And stick to paper: print advertising is considered one of the most trustworthy forms of media.

Now You Know the Most Effective Advertising Trends! Now you know the most effective advertising trends for your next mailing list. Looking to create a mailing list or pamphlet for your business? Consider i.t.i. direct mail for all your mailing needs. View a list of our marketing list services here. Interested? Contact us today to find out how we can help your business.

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