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5 Must-Know Direct Mail Marketing Tips

Believe it or not, mail marketing is far from dead. In fact, when it comes to all of the offline marketing channels available, six out of 10 marketers still prefer using direct mail. This is because direct mail marketing works, and you can use it to boost your business too.

If you are interested in starting a mail marketing campaign or want to upgrade the effectiveness of your current mailing strategy, read on to learn five tips for doing just that.


1. Always Personalize

When it comes to direct mail marketing strategies, few things are more effective than personalizing your audience’s mail. This can look like two things:

      1. Personalizing the mail to your audience segments
      2. Personalizing the mail to each individual

Personalization helps catch a reader’s attention and helps them feel recognized. It fosters a relationship between them and your brand that leads to conversions down the line.

A common way that brands personalize their mail these days is by using the individual’s name. If you do personalize, however, you want to make sure you have got the details right. Using the wrong name is a sure-fire way to get thrown out.


2. Target Audiences Effectively

Effective direct mail marketing campaigns segment and target their audiences before ever designing an envelope or writing a line of copy. You cannot sell to someone without first understanding them – their desires, lifestyle, hobbies, and needs.

Start by segmenting your audiences into similar groups. These can be based on age, gender, income, hobbies, and so on.

Then gather data that allows you to effectively target these individuals. This includes sending your mail to the right kinds of people in the right locations.


3. Invest in Mailing Lists

Investing in mailing lists is one of the best direct mail marketing tips, especially for new businesses and advertisers. Mailing lists include the contact information and addresses of hundreds to thousands of people, and they help you reach new audiences.

A list can consist of general consumers or target specific audiences from business owners to new homeowners.


4. Leverage the Digital Era

Among the direct mail marketing trends, you especially want to keep a lookout for those that leverage the digital era. One such trend right now is the use of QR codes. From 2018-2019 alone, QR codes experienced a 26% growth in the number of people interacting with them.

Adding QR codes to your direct mail marketing makes the experience stand out and helps audience members that prefer online channels.


5. Test and Analyze Data

As with all marketing, direct mail marketing best practices includes testing and analyzing your data to see what works.

Try different strategies from the color and shape of an envelope to the locations you target. Always follow up by collecting data, like conversions, to decide which strategy works best.


Invest in Direct Mail Marketing

Direct mail marketing is here to stay, but there are some tips and guidelines to follow if you want to be effective at it. Be sure to always consider who your audience is, how you are reaching them, how you are providing a unique experience, and how to continue to improve. The five tips in this article will help.

If you are ready to run an effective campaign, check out our direct mail marketing solutions today.

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