ITI Direct Mail
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5 Surprising Benefits of Postcard Marketing

Did you know that most companies use direct mail in their marketing campaign? That may be hard to believe today. After all, we live in the age of technology and emails. However, so many people’s inboxes become cluttered with junk and spam, making it all too easy to click the delete button and ignore a company’s advertisements. That is where direct mail and postcard marketing comes into play. Print is a valuable marketing resource that not enough companies take advantage of today.

If your company is not using postcard marketing, then it is time to start. Here are the major benefits of this type of marketing strategy.

1. They Are Physical

People get hundreds of emails full of ads boasting companies and their services. Because of the influx, these emails are ignored or sent straight to the junk folder.

It does not help that it is easy to click and delete them, either. However, print marketing is something tangible that people can hold in their hands.

That right there will make them pay closer attention. It is not often that we get something physical to read in the mail. It will also show that your company cares enough to print a physical ad instead of creating a digital marketing campaign.


2. They Are Personal

Postcard marketing adds a personal flair. People will feel special if they receive direct mail.

You can even go the extra mile and do a bit of research on your audience and targeted customers. Once you find your demographic, you can personalize your postcards to match their interests.


3. They Are Affordable

Taking out ad space on a billboard or creating ads on the internet can take time and money. However, if you hire a postcard marketing company to develop your direct mail, you may save money in the long run.

That is especially critical to small businesses or companies that are just starting. You can easily track your results with postcards to make sure that it continues to be an affordable and effective marketing strategy.


4. They Are Effective

A neuroscience study done in Canada shows that direct mail only utilizes about 21% of people’s cognitive abilities. That is a big plus since our attention spans on the internet last about three to four seconds.

People want to get information fast with minimal reading. The benefit of postcards is that you can get to the point with a strong message using minimal words and lots of graphics to encourage a call to action.

All the details on the postcard are easy to read and understand. So, someone checking their mailbox can easily scan the postcard for valuable information on the way back to their door. That means you garner their attention in a shorter time frame.


5. They Allow for Re-Targeting

Have you noticed that you customers have not continued using your services or purchasing your products? If so, one of the best postcard marketing tips we can give you is to re-target those you have lost.

Take note of who has not continued to utilize your business’s services or products and remail postcards to them as a reminder of your company.


Hire a Postcard Marketing Service

As you can tell, postcard marketing provides several invaluable benefits to any business. Not only does it create something tangible in people’s mailboxes, but it is also affordable and personal.

Don’t underestimate the power of print marketing. We hope our post helps you make an informed decision about your business marketing strategies..

If you require a postcard marketing service, ITI Direct Mail is here to help. With our expertise, we can develop postcard advertisements special to your brand. Please, feel free to contact us and request a custom quote today!