ITI Direct Mail
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Nonprofit Communication Made Easier – Direct Mail Strategies for Fundraising

It’s no secret that most people don’t like junk mail. It’s ugly, it’s impersonal, it’s designed to convince you to part with their hard-earned money, and the average person gets so much of it that they feel inundated by it. If you are working in public relations for a non-profit, chances are that you will face the challenge of contacting your potential donors by mail without letting your message get lost in the huge pile of junk mail that will be arriving in those same mailboxes. iti Direct Mail is aware of this struggle and has a few tried and true direct mail strategies for fundraising by setting your mail apart from the rest and reaching your audience with clarity and style.


High Quality


One thing that most junk mail has in common is the poor quality of its paper and printing. Companies that send this type of mail want to reach as many people as possible as cheaply as possible. The result is unattractive images printed on low quality paper, catching the interest of very few people. At iti Direct Mail, we believe that people are more likely to read mail that looks as though its sender cares about what they are saying. We use high quality paper and adhere to high standards throughout all steps of our process. We make your job easier by creating mail your donors want to open.




The impersonal nature of junk mail is another factor in people’s tendency to send itNonprofit_Fundrise straight into the garbage. That’s why iti Direct Mail works with you to create highly personalized mail that will let your audience know that you care about getting your message directly to them. By recognizing your potential donors as individuals rather than simply hitting them with a barrage of mass mails, we increase the chances that they will take the time to read your words, appreciate your cause and donate their time and money to helping you help others.


One Stop Shop


Not only does iti Direct Mail provide you with high quality print material with a stylish degree of customization, we maintain control over the entire process from start to finish by centralizing it in one location. This helps us keep things simple and affordable while still being able to guarantee an attractive end product. Our in-house designers are committed to providing you with mail that won’t end up in the trash, and they achieve that end by giving their best to each project that comes their way.


More than Just Advertising


At iti Direct Mail, we understand that communicating your cause means more to you than just advertisements. You are trying to make the world a better place, and we want to make that fundraising goal easier for you to achieve. Our job is to help you with clear, correct and beautiful printed material, including newsletters, brochures, calendars and anything else to help grab your donors’ attention. We take great satisfaction in knowing that our hard work helps your hard work to pay off in a big way!

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