5 Critical Tools for Successful Postcard Marketing

Do you want to get your message to potential customers faster? Consider sending a freeimages.co.uk photos of objectswell-designed, simple to read postcard in the mail. A postcard is a great and inexpensive way to reach people’s eyes. It’s cheaper to mail, because envelopes are not required, and postcard mail is less expensive than regular mail, and seeing it is unavoidable, because everyone who receives it, sees the message of the card instantly, even if they throw it away. A sealed envelope has to be opened, and many are thrown away unopened. So get your message on a postcard. Here are 5 critical tools for successful postcard marketing.

1. Give them an eye-catching design. You have only one chance before it goes in the trash. Make your postcard stand out and make the person holding it take notice. In fact, if the design is nice enough, maybe they will put it up on the bulletin board, or tape it on the fridge.

2. Consider the weights and measures. Consider making your postcard a little larger than normal so that it stands out in the pile of mail. A small postcard might not attract attention, but one that is about 8 x 6” will get seen. Also make sure that the card is printed on good stock of paper and the colors are bright. The card will impress, and reflect well on your name.

3. Make it personal. Don’t make it too much like an ad. Postcards evoke in people a sense of holidays and friendship. Try not to be corporate. Instead, use friendly fonts, and give it a casual touch. Most people don’t like advertising, so keep your postcard, light and fun, and friendly.

4. Send them where you want them to go. Don’t expect the postcard to actually sell anything. What you want is to make the receiver curious and intrigued enough to find out more. You need to mention one main hook on the card and then spend the rest of the time getting them to your store or website.

5. Use the whole card. The card has two sides, and both sides should have some meaning. Print on both front and back, because it may not get turned over. Most mail comes address side facing, so make sure there is more than just the recipient address on the back. Put your message there. That way, you will reach everyone who touches it, including the mail carrier.

By following these five critical tools for successful postcard marketing, you can create an eye-catching, inexpensive, and customer-friendly piece of direct-mail advertising that will almost always be read before being thrown away. Remember to keep the postcard design casual and friendly, and of good quality. Remember, too, that the card is a reflection of you and your business and the image you want to bring to the customers. Finally, the most important tip for an effective postcard is to use it to bring the customer to you. Keep your message simple and let them know how and why to come to you.