Top Trends in Mortgage Direct Mail Marketing

People may not like all the advertising that they are privy to each day, including direct mail, but there is no doubt that it serves a purpose. Without advertising, how would people know about the new products and services that are available?

In today’s market, with the speed at which things change and new opportunities become available, if people don’t keep up, they will miss out. Direct mail marketing is an excellent way of getting your name on people’s minds. Mortgage direct mail marketing performs such a service because people don’t always know all the options available to them, especially with mortgages.


The challenge with direct mail marketing is that you cannot always guarantee that the mail will be opened. When there is too much of it, the recipient barely glances at it before sending it into the recycle bin. How can you make sure your letter will be read? There are some new top trends in mortgage direct mail marketing that are definitely improving the eyes-to-letter ratio.

People love mailDirect mail marketing

Junk mail aside, people do love to get mail. Making your mail look more like a personal letter than a flyer is a big factor in having attention given to your mail
. Unaddressed mail, or mail addressed “to the Occupant” is not very personal and shows that no care at all went into the mailing. It’s not surprising that those end up in the trash. But a letter that is addressed to a specific person at a house on a topic that is currently relevant to them is something that will be noticed. Direct mail marketing campaigns should have a target audience who will be interested in the mortgage information you are sending.

Make it personal

Part of the trend towards making the mail look personal is to pay attention to the small details. Handwritten fonts that are printed in a color of ink, that is not black, make the letter warm and friendly and are more likely to be noticed and opened. Build curiosity and people will not be able to throw the letter away unopened. Don’t forget to use a real postage stamp. An electronic pass through the stamp machine might be a time saver, but that’s what makes it impersonal.

Or make it official

On the other hand, an opposite trend that gets noticed is the snap pack. These are not warm and friendly, but they do cause people to want to attend to them. This is because they look official. The snap packs are the single sheets of paper that are folded in half and perforated along the edges. No one throws those away unopened. They look important. They might have a check in them.

Try postcards

Finally, another great trend that is working well for direct mail is to use picture postcards. Postcards are attractive; they have a nice picture, or a joke on the front, and they are kept for that reason. They are great for putting out a quick attention-grabbing message.
If you are looking for new ways to get your mortgage direct mail marketing information into the hands of your customers, look at what direct mail can do for you these days.  Check out iti Direct Mail at for more information on these specialized mortgage marketing services.