Top 5 Tips for Variable Data Printing Will Change Your Direct Marketing Results

How many times have you received or sent out a mailer that reads something like this:

Dear Customer,

To us you are a valued customer; we would like to invite you to come into our store for a massive 15% off sale.

What’s wrong with this? Well, your customer hears “Come to our store and spend money.” It is more about your business rather than the needs of the customer. This is a generic mass mailer, and your customers can see right through it. Also, it is not very effective in increasing sales. Using our variable data printing services can make your marketing a little more personal and a lot more effective.

Personalizing communication with your customers

Customers are more likely to pay attention to a mailer when it is personalized and speaks to them by name. You should also use a very warm and welcoming tone in your communication with your customers; avoid being overly business-like.

Change the focus from “us” to “you”

It may be a wise idea to re-write your message and change the focus from “us” to “you.” This will show the customer that you focus on meeting the needs of your customers, instead of just focused on your own goals and needs.

Build a relationship with your customer

If you have a method to track customer purchases, this is an effective way to help to Variable Data Printingbuild a relationship with your customer—and to get to know their needs. Imagine if you send a mailer reminding a customer of an item that they might need, along with a coupon. This would increase the chances that the customer will actually come into your business.

Now that we have discussed how to create personalized wording for your mailer, here is an example of the improved wording of an effective mailer.

Dear John (Stating the customer’s name is a must),

As an extremely valued customer, we wanted to let you know about your opportunity to save a huge 20% off for those leather boots that you will need for the fall season. We would be pleased to help you find the perfect boots to fit your needs. We invite you into the store for a personal consultation with one of our stylists. We hope to see you soon.

There is a huge difference between the first example presented and this improved version. It is more personalized, warm, and is more likely to attract a customer into a business.

Relevant images

If you are putting so much effort into the correct wording of your mailer, make sure you pay attention to images as well. Ensure that the images you put on the mailer are matched with the words and message. If we use the example above, you would want to put pictures of boots, not random images.

Have a polished and professional design

Your mailer will give your customer an impression of your business. It is important that the graphics, layout, and fonts for the writing are all up to par and are professional enough to impress your customers and ensure that they come into your business.

For more information about our variable data printing solutions, please call us at (866) 558-6365 or visit our website at iti Direct Mail ( ) today.

Variable Data Printing for Higher Customer Engagement

Many people have noticed that business is becoming too de-personalized and detached lately. With the online technology and the constant inundation with information, customers start to feel as if they are only a very small element of the overall picture, which discourages them from making purchasing decisions or being in any way attached to the brand, company or product. Even when the attachment is already there, few clients enjoy receiving general messages in generic correspondence inside generic envelopes. Given the amount of information your potential or current customers receive every day, it is easy to get lost in the crowd. One of the ways in which iti Direct Mail works with you to ensure that this doesn’t happen is through variable data printing for higher customer engagement.

What is variable data printing?

This is a method that is based on sophisticated and complex use of mail merges to lettersproduce highly customized and targeted messaging. Employing variable data printing for higher customer engagement is an increasingly popular approach due to its contribution to putting the personal touch back into the business. The iti Direct Mail methodology allows you to create numerous variations of your correspondence that goes far beyond simply changing the recipient’s name and address for every new letter. This approach makes it possible to replace entire sections of a multi-page letter according to a set of rules based on age, location, profession, purchasing history and so on and so forth. Images, including those of a signature, can also vary as needed.

Why should I choose iti Direct Mail for variable data printing?

At iti Direct Mail, we take pride in what we do. We understand the importance of using variable data printing for higher customer engagement, and we have been in this line of business for years, producing top-quality results for a variety of clients. One of our competitive advantages is that we do not require a high minimum order – in fact, our minimum, at only 50 pieces, is the lowest you will find in the industry. This gives you an opportunity to test out this approach before widening your efforts. Another advantage lies in the use of real physical stamps instead of coded printing on envelopes, as well as a vast collection of handwritten fonts to create a personalized and humanized feel to your letter. This last element, the handwritten font, can even be based on your very own handwriting – just let us know that you would be interested in this unique service offering.

How should I proceed?

We take the time to listen to every customer’s needs. Before you dive into the world of variable data printing for higher customer engagement, we make sure we know about your goals, requirements and other features that would enable us to provide you with the highest level of service. Our commitment to complete customer satisfaction means that we work with you through every step of the way, providing every opportunity for feedback and verification so that the end result not only meets, but exceeds your expectations. Contact iti Direct Mail today to start the journey.