Personalize Your Mail with Variable Data Printing

Getting people to read marketing mail is a bit of a complex business. Many people instantly recognize the marketing letter as a technique to get them to buy, and so they don’t take any notice of it. So how can you get better results? By making the letter more personal and of interest to its recipient. But how can you make a mass market mail out personal enough to grab attention? That’s the hard part.

A good design

Your letter needs to be better designed, and better written than everything else in the Variable_Data_Printingmailbox. You want the letter to be noticed so that it will get results. In order to create a personalized letter that really looks one of a kind, you need to make use of variable printing. This will let you make a variety of changes to the letter.

Change everything

Variable data printing is digital printing that can change different elements in the design of the page from one piece of printing to the next to suit the individual needs of the reader.  The trick is to personalize the mail without compromising the cost, or the speed of the printout. Personalization changes are made on things like text, graphics, or images. You can also change URLs and QR codes. It’s not just a matter of substituting Mr.Jones for Mrs. Smith anymore. With variable data printing, you can print 10,000 completely different documents with one command.


Personalized direct mail has a proven rate of investment. It attracts and keeps customers because the mail speaks directly to them. Today’s printing does this better than ever. More information is available on mailing lists, which provide a greater amount of demographic information like marital status, income and interests. Even color preferences are not secret.  Mail outs can be specifically designed to appeal to the reader with the use of color and the use of photographs to evoke an emotional response; knowing what moves the reader by knowing where he lives and what he buys can make a big difference.

Response for the future

Another benefit is the feedback that the mailer can provide. You can personalize the mailer to know how well it has worked. Thepiece of personalized mailcan gather information on how many people used the card and took advantage of it. It gathers response rates through bar codes, or coded coupons to help you understand what part of your marketing is working, and where.

Obviously, you can make changes so that the recipient’s name and address is on the letter, but you can also personalize your own address so that your letter is coming from the local office nearest to them, not the main office in what may be a faraway city. More than the name in the address, with variable data printing you can change and personalize information on every page, and in every part of the letter.

Variable data printing for personalizing direct mail can make things easier for you to meet your customers where they are waiting for you. Make your mailers work by personalizing all the information on them.