Custom Postcard Printing—Its Importance to Small Businesses

Do you run your own small business?  Are you looking for ways to extend your client base?  The traditional methods of advertising may not be working as well as they should be, and there are a number of reasons for that.  Here’s why custom postcards are the answer for small business advertising.


You’re a small business


There’s one thing that distinguishes your business within the marketplace—you’re a Postcard Printingsmall business.  That definitely won’t come as a surprise, nor may it be surprising to learn that some of the draw towards your business may be its size.  Today is a technology-fueled world, but not everyone wants his or her experience with a business to be automated.  Often the draw towards a small business is the fact that it is personable.  You directly interact with your clients to ensure they get the best experience with your business—something that is as important to you as it is to your clients—so make your advertising match your business ethics: use custom postcards to reach out to your potential clients.  Custom postcards are, as their name suggests, fully customizable so you can directly interact with your future clients using the information and personalization that you want.


Let the other companies spam your clients’ inboxes


Business has become internet-based—which is great.  The internet makes reaching new and wide-spread clients accessible.  The problem is that everyone is doing it.  On any day, your future client could be bombarded by upwards of 20 emails from all sorts of companies and businesses.  The emails that don’t go straight to junk mail might get read if they present an interesting hook or offer, but more often they are deleted in one sweep along with all the other promotional emails.  The internet is an inexpensive means of reaching a wide audience, but your potential clients are inundated with so many of these emails that they simply aren’t making the impact they should.


How do you make sure your promotions get noticed amongst all the rest?


Simple, make sure your message makes it right into your potential clients’ hands.  The nice thing about the custom postcard format is that they don’t even have to be opened in order for your client to notice the images, colors, special offer or promotion, and more importantly, your business products and services.  As soon as your client goes to his or her mailbox, he or she is going to see the postcard—you’ve already made way more progress than that mass of emails he or she deleted without even reading this morning.


Postcards are fun


There’s a lot to be said for the stigma of the postcard, too.  Postcards are known for being fun glimpses into the adventures of a close friend or relative—they are personal and intriguing by nature, and they are designed to captivate enough interest to make their readers want to go explore this fun and exciting new place.  That is the expectation of the postcard, so why not use this to your advantage?  The key to advertising is to get your business noticed; custom postcards are the way to make that happen.


For more information about custom postcards, or to get started customizing custom postcards for your business, visit us at iti Direct Mail today.