ITI Direct Mail
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5 Clever Ways to Elevate Your Advertising with Direct Mail Printing

Print continues to thrive and should be a part of any marketer’s arsenal. Have you incorporated a print campaign into your business’s marketing strategy yet? There are a few options to consider to get you started. Let us look into the different types of direct mail printing and how they will make your business stand out…and be remembered.


1.  Good Ol’ Fashioned Letter

If you’re looking for a more traditional method to get your message across, a letter is ideal. This is also one of the more personal options, allowing you to create a closer connection with your prospect or customer. Letters also enable you to include more content than possible in a different medium.

The envelope your letter is enclosed in also provides another way to grab attention. It should compel your target audience to open your letter. Using a colorful envelope will allow your content to stand apart from junk mail.


2.  Save Costs with a Self-Mailer

A self-mailer helps you save money on envelope costs since these are typically folded, using an adhesive tab to keep it closed. Like the letter, a self-mailer enables you to go into detail about your products or company to encourage your audience to get in touch. You can make these more eye-catching by using imagery with bold colors to make an impression.


3. Rewards Program Mailers

Your loyal customers can be your greatest advocates. Use your direct mail campaigns to reward them. This can be a coupon for a percentage off your products or services or a free pass to an upcoming event. This shows your customers that you value them and encourages them to continue to do business with you.


4. Newsletters to Keep Your Audience Up to Date

Do you have a new product coming up? Perhaps you have an event planned, such as a user’s conference? You can use your direct mail campaigns to let those on your list know the news first.

Why choose to mail your newsletters? It is additional insurance that your content will be read. Many emails don’t get read. However, by mailing your newsletter content directly to prospects, they can read it on their own time.

Do not forget incentives to encourage them to keep reading, whether that is an access code to valuable content on your website, or an invite to a free event, such as a webinar. This cross-promotion will help you lead readers to your website and increases conversions.


5. Say It Succinctly with a Postcard

Looking to make a big impact in just a few words? A postcard will help you do just that. Use a heavy card stock that will stand out from other mail, and imagery that pops. If you choose this method, you should also have a defined message and a clear call to action.

This is a great way to close a lead. For example, if a prospect recently downloaded a white paper on a specific service, the CTA on your postcard could be a free demo on the service or product they had previously shown interest in.


Reaping the Benefits of Direct Mail Printing

As you can see there are various ways direct mail campaigns can help take your advertising to a new level. Are you ready to elevate your direct mail printing? We can help. Get in touch with us today.

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