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Why Your Personal Marketing Plan Should Include Print Media

Though companies rely heavily on digital means to reach customers as the marketing landscape continues to evolve, print media remains an effective tool, one often underestimated by business owners. In this modern world, digital marketing is an essential and productive way for a company to connect with its audience, whether they are sending well-crafted email messages to established clients or creating banner ads and targeted social media posts to attract new ones. But print marketing is far from dead. It is thriving. A well-rounded personal marketing plan must include both print and digital media. Here is why you should consider personalized printing to promote your products and services.


Target a Localized Market

If you are a small business that wants to engage customers in your community, direct mail is an easy way to target a hyper-local audience. National companies with locations in different areas can also use personalized printing to reach consumers. They can create one main marketing campaign for their brand and then tweak the message so that it is specific to local offices.


Get a Higher Response Rate

You might be surprised to learn that direct mail garners a higher response rate than digital efforts to reach customers. There are so many emails being sent these days that it is easy for digital media to get lost in the shuffle, while print advertising is harder to ignore. After all, everyone enjoys getting mail. And the numbers don’t lie. While email marketing has a response rate of around 1%, the response rate for direct mail is as much as nine times higher, ranging from 5 to 9%. As a business owner, you’ll want to reprioritize personalized printing and mailing services when creating your marketing strategy.


Direct Mail is Easier to Understand

Your recipient requires 21% less cognitive effort to process print media compared to digital media. This means your marketing is easier for your targeted audience to understand. Not only that, but the brand recall is higher for direct mail advertisements at 75% compared to digital media at just 44%, making it more effective.


Create a More Trusted Brand

Consumers tend to find print media more credible and trustworthy than digital marketing. This is likely due to the aggressive nature of emails. In fact, around 55% of all emails sent each day are spam. Direct mail comes to a consumer’s home, which feels more personal and less stressful. They also feel more in control and less bombarded by these advertisements because they have the choice to set print media aside and review it in their own time.


Remember: Print and Digital Worlds Go Hand-in-Hand

As effective as print media is, we still live in a digital world. When creating a personal marketing plan, it is important to include both print and digital aspects to it. Even if a customer responds to a print advertisement, their next step is likely to connect with your company online. Any transaction will take place in this realm, so you need to have a strong digital presence and a website that makes it easy for them to engage.


Contact a Professional When Creating Your Personal Marketing Plan

As you create a personal marketing plan for your business, make room for print media in your budget. Then, contact our team to learn more about how we can help you with all your printing and direct mail needs.

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