Advantages of Mortgage Direct Mail Marketing

A mortgage is a major part of many people’s financial lives. When your company has a way to make people’s mortgages easier to deal with, it’s important that you let them know the benefits of starting a business relationship with you! One of the most efficient ways to communicate with your potential clients is to initiate contact directly via a physical letter mailed to their place of residence. But, just because your letter automatically dodges being put into the trash right away, doesn’t mean they’re going to read it. Here are some ways that iti Direct Mail can help you to avoid your customers’ real life ‘junk mail folder,’ also known as the garbage can.

People Judge Books by Their Covers

The adage says not to judge a book by its cover, but people do it all the time. The same goes for mortgage direct mail marketing ( ). When people find letters in their mailbox that look generic, impersonal and unrelated to their interests, they rarely bother to open them before relegating it to the Circular File (again, the dreaded garbage can). At iti Direct Mail, we know that before your potential client even begins to read your message, their attention needs to be caught in a positive and engaging way. We have devoted a considerable amount of time to learning what grabs customers’ attention and makes them want to read mailmarketing-min

Direct Mail

People instinctively know when the letter they have received is identical to letters sent to hundreds of their neighbors. They know that people who send this mail don’t have their individual needs in mind, and they’re certainly not about to trust them with something as sensitive as a mortgage. iti Direct Mail knows the importance of personalization beyond just knowing your customer’s name. We can personalize everything about your message, from stationary to background images to the font used on the envelope or postcard. We won’t let your message be mistaken for mass advertising.

The Smallest Details Count

So, how does iti Direct Mail send your message to a large number of potential clients without losing the personal touch? We start with quality materials. Beautiful postcards and colorful printed envelopes let people know that they are worth using quality materials, not cheap bulk stock, to advertise their products and services to. We choose fonts that resemble handwriting too. In fact, we can convert your own handwriting into a font for you! We tailor the images on our mailing to match a customer’s interests, and can even add custom Post-It notes to your mail. Customers notice the small details, so we make sure they’re worth noticing.

Let Us Open Doors for You

When it comes to mortgages, you know what works. At iti Direct Mail, we are the best at getting people to listen to your mortgage expertise! Our job is not only to get your mail into your customers’ hands, but to get your message into their minds and your influence into their mortgage decisions. Check out our products and services and see what we can do for you!

8 Tips for a Successful Fundraising Campaign

Direct mail fundraising is all about helping non-profit organizations get the money they need so they can help the people who need it.  For this to happen there needs to be a connection between the donor and the recipients.

If you are using direct mail fundraising, here are some tips that may help you have an even greater successful campaign.

Tips for Direct Mail Fundraising Success

  1. Ask Readers to Give Money to Help: People give money to help other people; they don’t give money to build things. Make sure your direct mail links these two groups together so the donors know exactly whom they’re helping.
  1. Be Specific: When donors give money, they want to know whom their money is going to, and it’s up to you to make sure they know this.
  1. Allow Donors to Identify with Whom They’re Helping: Your requestdirect mail for money needs to create an emotional connection between recipients and donors. Let them know who benefited from last year’s donations, and what you intend to do this year with the money you receive from the campaign.
  1. Tell a Story: Everyone loves a “based on actual events” story. So when you’re planning your marketing material, remove all the bureaucracy and focus on your cause and effect. Speak with volunteers or program staff and listen to their frontline stories, then use them in your direct mail fundraising materials.
  1. Give Donor’s a Choice: Allow them to choose how and what to give. For example, give them the option of a money donation, or to buy a gift with the money with all or part of the proceeds going to the recipients of your non-profit organization. Give donor’s an option to pay online, or attend an event in person and donate.
  1. Use Deadline’s when you Can: Giving would-be donor’s a deadline is a great way to engage action, because it defers procrastination. Sprinkle the deadline throughout your direct marketing campaign – but don’t be pushy. People don’t like to feel as though they’re being forced to do something.
  1. Measure and Test Your Direct Mail Fundraising Efforts: Measure what type of mailings are successful over others, such as survey type mailings compared to straight fundraising, as we have discussed here. As well, you need to test your letters on a certain number of prospects that you randomly select from a list. If it turns out to be profitable with one group, it will probably be successful with a larger group. You don’t want to put all your efforts into one mailing.
  1. Use Your Direct Mail Fundraising Campaign to Inform: You can effectively inform existing donors about news and events as you engage new donors too. Make sure your marketing campaign is broad enough to target both groups.

At iti Direct Mail, our focus is on quality and affordability. We know how important your direct mail fundraising campaign is to your organization and those you serve. We are your one-stop shop and allow you to complete your marketing campaign from one location. To find out how we can plan, design, print and produce your material for you, check out our services on our website and contact us.

6 Tips to Generate New Leads with Personalized Direct Mail

As a business owner you need new customers but you might not know how and where to find them. Below we are going to talk about how you can generate new leads with customized direct mail. You will see that this marketing strategy can simplify how you generate and convert leads into new customers.

Direct mail marketing is one of the oldest and established ways of marketing, and its roots started long before the internet. Many businesses have prospered using this technique and it has proven itself to be an ideal fit for internet marketing and email campaigns. There is no other kind of direct marketing that targets potential customers as easily as personalized direct mail.

What is Personalized Direct Mail Marketing?direct mail

Personalized direct mail marketing is the ideal way to get your businesses brand into the hands of customers looking for the products and services your business offers.

Below are 6 tips on how you can generate new leads with personalized direct mail.

  1. Understand Your Ideal Client or Customer

For any marketing campaign, knowing your target customer is the key. Know their basic demographics, such as age, sex, and family situation, however, you also need to know their shopping habits, values, lifestyle, and level of media and marketing access.  You need to understand these factors to assess the best way to communicate with them.

  1. Target Your Ideal Client or Customer

Once you know what they’re about, you can use this knowledge to create a list of targeted potential customers.  In the past, direct marketing was intended for the masses – a ‘try to reach as many people as you can’ type of attitude – however, the cost of mailing was getting expensive. So marketers had to change this system.

  1. Choose a Type of Mailing List

You want to ensure that you direct your campaign to your most valuable potential customers. Be careful while analyzing and selecting the list that will bring you the most success.  Generally, there are three types:  a specialty list for your target market, custom list to select consumers that meet specific needs, or a cloned mailing list to find consumers who are similar to your ideal customer.

  1. Personalize It

More people will likely read unrequested communication when it’s personalized. Think about when you have replied to direct mail and what it was that got you to read it. More than likely, the mail offering was ultra-focused on some area of your life.

  1. Make it Something to Remember

Make your personalized direct mail high-quality and enticing so they will remember it, and share it.

  1. Create Your Direct Mail

Once you have your mailing list ready, it’s time to create your message. Remember that the mail will be delivering a special message from your business to someone’s home; so make sure it’s high-quality.

At iti Direct Mail, we are experts at generating new leads with personalized direct mail, and we are affordable so you get a high return on your investment. To find out more, or to speak with one of our specialists you can visit our website at