ITI Direct Mail
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Philanthropic Psychology and Direct Mail for Non-profits

The psychology of generosity purports that an act of charity requires three conditions: the ability to give, empathy for the cause, and the good feelings that arise in the moment of compassion.  In the face of a worthy cause it is up to non-profit administrators to create an environment of positive feelings for donors that have the means to give.  Without the element of emotional fulfillment, the altruistic puzzle is not complete and donors will look elsewhere, regardless of how important your mission may be.    In the following paragraphs we’ll examine one chapter of the book on donor relations – the art of direct mail for non-profits.

The Science behind Giving

Setting the stage for the natural joy received by giving is perhaps the single most important task of a non-profit organization. Modern science has uncovered the link between charitable giving and the release of dopamine, the chemical responsible for feelings of euphoria, in the brain.  Donating to organizations that are making a difference in the world is a win-win situation for everyone.  With this in mind, administrators are charged with the duty of creating the right circumstances to facilitate the giving.   Direct mail for non-profits has become a common tool in forging connections between the organization and potential donors.

Why Direct Mail is so Important

direct-mailDespite the domination of human communication by the digital age, studies show that physical media leaves a stronger impression on the brain.  People of all ages and across all demographics respond better to tangible messages that linger on a coffee table than a too-easily deleted email in their GMail account.  The physical connection to the brain and the emotions is the reason that direct mail for non-profits is such a logical choice.  The more senses that are engaged in the communication process the stronger the messaging to the emotional center which is responsible for initiating the feel good sequence of events that leads to giving.

How to Make it Personal

As a non-profit organization, your goal is to connect people who lack with those who can give.  But you are also providing a service to those who are doing the giving – you are adding a thrilling philanthropic dimension to their lives.  When done right, you are the supplier of an experience on both sides.   For the receivers, the experience is pretty straightforward; you facilitate their connection to food, shelter, education or whatever else you have been called to do.  On a subtler field is the generosity experience that you are giving to donors.  This experience requires rapport and since mail is the only contact you may have with your donors, direct mail for non-profits should be as personal as possible.

We’ve been helping charities develop their marketing campaigns for over 10 years with our one stop direct mail for non-profits services. We have many mediums for connecting with new and existing donors in meaningful ways ranging from customizable postcards and calendars to personal letters.  Our philosophy is that an effective campaign must cover all the details – in fact we also offer customizable hand addressed envelopes to set the personal tone from the mailbox is opened.  We are very pleased to be using our technology to support the marketing campaigns of worthy causes such as yours. For more information on the marketing medium of direct mail, please visit

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